csvfaker - Generate CSV files from the command line
csvfaker is a command line tool to generate sample CSV files using Faker.
You can install it running:
pip install csvfaker
csvfaker --rows 5 name job company name,job,company
Crissie Morissette,Academic librarian,Kihn-Cronin
Jazmyne McKenzie,"Radiographer, therapeutic",Lynch-Kris
Miss Kristal Feest,"Civil engineer, contracting",Schuppe and Sons
Jacque Macejkovic,Theatre manager,"Crist, Robel and Cormier"
Leora Johnston,Food technologist,Funk-Frami
For all available options, see csvfaker --help
That is the second CSV-related tool I create because I couldn't find an existing solution. The first one was csvshuf.